Repair Cafe in Tauranga



Passionate Recyclers

Tauranga and our Tinkd Makerspace and Remaker whānau needs you.

We’re jumping on board with the global movement to REPAIR and recycle and minimise waste with a new REPAIR CAFÉ in Tauranga’s CBD. The plan is for a 2 hour meet up once a month where volunteers who know how to fix things come together and give objects destined for the landfill a second chance. Maybe it can be fixed, maybe it can’t but at least we’ve tried, taken a look, offered an opinion and even repaired if we can.

If you’re interested and want to know more about how you could contribute and what you can fix please come for pizza and planning on Tuesday 30th August 2022 from 6pm – 7:30pm at Tinkd Makerspace, 148 Durham Street, Tauranga. If you can’t make that night but would like to know more you can send us a DM at our Instagram account @tinkdmakerspace.

We’re thinking about repairing items such as clothing/sewing repairs, small appliances and bikes to start with but would love to hear from you if you have other ideas and skills. We’re building this together so your ideas are needed.

Click here to come along to the next Repair Cafe Tauranga event.

See what’s happening around Aotearoa-New Zealand for more inspiration @repaircafenz or

Click here to SIGN UP for the volunteer briefing meeting.