Tauranga Repair Cafe – Repair Festival Aotearoa New Zealand

We’re talking part in the first Repair Festival Aotearoa NZ and opening our doors on Saturday 21st September 2024 for two very special events.

Tinkd Makerspace, 148 Durham Street, Tauranga 3110

9:30AM – 11:30AM


Bring a broken or faulty item for repair by our volunteers.

11:00AM – 1:00PM


Repair Café Tauranga is partnering with our friends at Envirohub and Tauranga City Council Waste Minimisation to host a celebration of the repair and recycling culture initiatives running in our very own city. We want to share and spread the word with people of all ages who have an interest in the repair movement and recycling. We’ve got interactive, fun activities to help inform what is happening and how you can be involved for people of all ages.

These include:

  • Take It Apart table for young people/children –  stocked with various items unable to be salvaged/repaired and the tools to dismantle and get a peek at the inner workings – adults are welcome to join the fun. 
  • “Lazy Daisy” workshop –  learn a simple, fun embroidery stitch to mend and embellish that favourite jumper or sock (or any item you care to bring) with those inevitable little holes.  BYO your item of clothing. Hosted by our ever creative Repair Café long time volunteer and queen of creative mending.
  • Information about the Right to Repair Bill; what it is, why we need it, and how to make submissions. A petition to our local MP will be available for you to sign on the day.
  • A chance to chat with Repair Café volunteers, as they work on various projects, find out more about their experiences and what interesting items they have assessed or fixed at one of our monthly repair cafés.
  • Precious Plastics – bring your clean plastic bottle top lids (numbers 2 and 5) for sorting and see some of the amazing creations they become once  processed. You can also bring aluminium pull tabs, wine bottle lids, and beer bottle lids for recycling drop off.
  • Used cables – bring your broken cables so that they can be stripped, recycled and made into something new.
  • Specialist Recycling – find out about the many items that can be recycled by Enivirohub that are not accepted by kerbside recycling.

Cost: FREE

Join us for a morning of repairing, learning, and fun.